What Is a Multiple User Intent Search

When a set of search results targets multiple users intents, this is a multi-intent query.


Multi-Intent Searches

Search results targeting multiple intents are often the case with single-word and short queries where not much information is being given to the search engine to indicate what the user wants.

For example, a search for corten steel produces organic informational results from wikipedia.org and buymetalonline.co.uk, as well as a commercial investigation result which links to Buy Metal Online’s Corten steel product category page. The site links to particular product pages, such as CorTen Steel Sheet, can additionally be considered results targeting a transactional intent.

What Types of Search Intent Are There?

It’s useful to think about search intent as four broad types:

  • Informational: The user is looking for information about a topic or an answer to a particular question, such as, when is easter.

  • Navigational: The user is looking to navigate to a particular website or particular web page, such as bbc news.

  • Commercial investigation: The user is reviewing a range of options before making a product purchase, or committing to a service. For example, best streaming service.

  • Transactional: The user knows what they want to purchase and are looking for a website they can purchase from. For example, buy aaa batteries.

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